Brief CV

Risto Raitio

Born 1942 in Tampere, Finland
MS in Theoretical Physics 1968 Univ. Helsinki, Thesis: Multi Regge Models
PhD 1972 Univ. Helsinki, Thesis: Veneziano Five Point Function Phenomenology
Docent (~lecturer) 1973 - 2012 at Univ. Helsinki

Assistant/Researcher/Asst.Prof. 1968-1985 Univ. Helsinki
Summer Visitor 1969 3Q-4Q CERN
Post Doc 1974-76 SLAC Theory Group

Special Researcher 1985-90 Ministry of Education, Univ. Super Computer and Networking Admin.
Software Specialist 1990-2000 Tieto Corp.
Retired 2000

Independent Researcher 2015-2023
Visiting Scientist 2023- Helsinki Inst. of Physics, Univ. Helsinki

My papers, arXiv, Google. Some old age viXra notes.

Preon & cosmology papers 1980, 2018, 2022, 2023a, 2023b, 2023B, 2023c, 2023d, 2024a, 2005a.
    Early stuff 1974a, 1974b; 1973.

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